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Posted by : Unknown Monday, July 8, 2013

Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc has said that it paid a total of N3.9bn to claimants in the 2012 financial period.
In a statement on Friday, the firm said N1.13bn was paid on non-life insurance business; while N2.8bn was paid on the life arm.
A breakdown of the non life figures revealed that N518.9m was paid on motor insurance; N430m on accident insurance; N45.97m on marine insurance; and N37.58m was paid on fire insurance.
The firm said it paid N6.53m claims on bonds, while N99.56m was paid on special risks.
The Group Managing Director, Mutual Benefits, Mr. Akin Ogunbiyi, said firm was in business to ensure that it settled claims promptly to give relief to its policyholder when they suffered losses.
“At Mutual Benefits, we are concerned about our customers and we will always continue to fulfil our obligations by responding to their claims timely,” he said.
Ogunbiyi also reiterated that Mutual Benefits Assurance remained a strong, well capitalised and profitable leading brand in the Nigerian insurance industry.
The Mutual Benefits boss said the company would continue to create wealth and value for its stakeholders.
He also reiterated the firm’s commitment to the development of retail insurance in the industry.
Ogunbiyi added that retail insurance policies would help to alleviate the sufferings of the low income earners and add value to them.
“We are out to ensure that insurance is available on the table of everybody in the country, we know the significance of insurance and what it can actually do for the national economy,” he said.
According to him, this segment of the market has become a major source of growth for the firm in the last few years.
He stressed the need for operators to pay more attention to the development of retail insurance, just as corporate businesses had been receiving attention from the industry.

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