As you read ask yourself how well and prepared are you to face the future in case of unforeseen circumstances. It is wise to get an insurance policy today.Make your savings a cover for your future. See tabs below for life saving packages or call 08036411416

Quality education is the desire of most parents for their children. However, quality does not come cheap, income is not stable and life itself is uncertain.
It is against this background that Mutual Benefits Children Education Plan has been structured towards ensuring quality education for your children and wards easily and in a most efficient manner. This policy allows you to conveniently save towards sending your children/wards to any school of your choice whether within the country or abroad.
The scheme guarantees the future education of your children/wards at whatever level. It ensures that they have access to the quality of education you desire for them, whether you are there to do it or not. Just like in the ISP, a plan holder starts making a compulsory and regular savings for a number of years. The choice is however yours to decide on the duration of the policy, but this shall not be less than five years. The premium payable shall depend on the ability of every individual to contribute, although, the higher the premium, the higher the benefits enjoyed.  We also allow some flexibility in the frequency of the premium payment. In other words, you can pay monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or once in a year.
We offer a very competitive compounded interest rate which guarantees a rapid growth of your investment in the scheme and at the same time cushion the harsh effect of inflation on the fund.
Please note that 50% of the account balance could be withdrawn to cater for part of the education expenses of the child after the scheme has been in place for a minimum of 24 months and at least two (2) years premium has been fully paid. If the parent dies before the completion of the duration of the scheme, the total sum he/she intended contributing into the scheme till maturity shall be made available for the child?s education.
Convenient way of funding Children?s education
Ensures realization of Children?s education
Guaranteed minimum return on your Investment
Helps you to cultivate regular savings culture
Serves as additional security to obtain loan in bank
Tax rebate on your investment (the only legal means you can reduce your tax burden)
Guarantees future education of your child(ren) /ward(s) whether the parents are alive or not.
Solid income protection for the family in case of untimely death. ( Guaranty an immediate estate)
Investment of N120,000.00.
Minimum duration of five (5) year.
Guaranteed Return on investment is 5%
Flexible payment options: monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.
50% of total investment can be withdrawn after the second year.
Life Assurance Benefit (Total Sum Assured) is paid to the policy holder beneficiary upon his/her demise while the scheme is still in force.

To purchase policy or get more clarification please contact us:
Tel: 08036411416 or 08023782509
Email: or
Address: 38 Community road akoka, Yaba, Lagos

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